
Full RCM Support & Medical Billing Services for TeleMedicine

PPM is Here to Support Your Practice's TeleMedicine/TeleHealth Needs

TeleMedicine (TeleHealth) Services have become much more important in recent years, as remote access and technical capabilities have expanded for both providers and patients. The coronavirus pandemic has further accelerated demand for this newest way of effectively treating patients. Precision Practice Management has extensive knowledge in the area of Telemedicine/Telehealth services and our teams understand the requirements and billing complexities involved. We support individual physicians and small practices, as well as hospitals, multi-specialty clinics, and other large medical groups in developing this newest way to provide better healthcare to your patients. Whether you need comprehensive revenue cycle management services or basic assistance in developing your TeleHealth service offering, we are prepared to meet your needs.

TeleMedicine & COVID-19

Medicare has temporarily expanded its coverage of TeleHealth services to respond to the current Public Health Emergency. These services significantly expand the current TeleHealth covered services to help you have access to your patients from more places (including their homes), with a wider range of communication tools (including smartphones), to interact with a range of providers (such as doctors, nurse practitioners, clinical psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers). During this time, your patients will be able to receive a specific set of services from you through TeleHealth methodologies, including evaluation and management visits (regular E&M office visits), mental health counseling and preventive health screenings. This expansion will help ensure that your patients are able to visit with you from their homes – without having to go to your office or to a hospital – which can help keep you, the patient and others from risk of exposure to COVID-19.

Our medical billing services include:

We also offer IT services designed specifically for healthcare providers:

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